Find your model, Upgrade your contents

With Virtual Face Swap AI, Fliption helps retailers
to cut content production costs while maintaining their brand identity.

Visualize your brand identity

Generate your brand's
unique face

  • Create your model. What does your brand look like? Use AI to create model faces that best match your brand's mood.
  • Find your model. Get suggestions and filter out your model faces from thousand options.

Anybody can be your “One”

Apply your brand's face everywhere

  • Keep your identity last forever. With Fliption's face swap, maintain your mood even when your model changes.
  • Cut your model cost. Why bother searching for model agencies? Just get any available model, save time & cost.
Ready to meet your ideal model?

Customer Case 1

Discovered the Perfect Model Mood easily!

Moods like 'lovely but rough' are hard to visualize and finding models with such moods is even harder.

However, with Fliption, MamaCaser showcased the required atmosphere in just a day, making model photo creation cheaper and easier.

Model showing happiness

Customer Case 2

Reduced costs through face swap.

Selling imported ballet attire was costly and time-consuming due to the need for local models.

Fliption's virtual faces streamlined the process of localizing the content, cutting costs, and improving inventory management.

Diverse virtual model atmosphere


Flexible Plans Based on Product Volume

You can freely choose a plan based on the number of content you handle.



Get started
    • Credits (100)
    • Editing
    • # of available virtual faces (10)



Get started
    • Credits (350)
    • Editing
    • # of available virtual faces (20)



Get started
    • Credits (900)
    • Editing
    • # of available virtual faces (Infinite)